Using Regex in JS

/* CREATING A REGEX IN JS */ const regex1=/hello/ig;//ig -> case insensitive, global const regex2= new RegExp('hello','ig'); const regex3=new RegExp(/hello/,'ig'); const regex4=new RegExp(/hello/ig); const testString='Hello world, HELLO again!'; console.log(regex1.test(testString));//true console.log(testString.match(regex1));//['Hello','HELLO']

/* MATCH A SINGLE CHAR */ const regex=/hu./;//matches hu_ /* MATCH A SET OF CHARS */ const regex=/b[uia]/;//matches 'bug','big','bag' /* MATCH A RANGE OF CHARS */ const regex=/[a-z]/;//matches any char a through z const regex=/[2-6]/;//matches 2,3,4,5,6 const regex=/[1-5a-m]/; /* NEGATING SELECTION */ const regex=/[^0-9a-m]/;//matches everything except numbers and a-m alphabets /* MATCH A SEQUENCE 1 OR MORE TIME */ const regex=/s+/;//matches s,ss,sss... /* MATCH A SEQUENCE OCCURING 0 OR MORE TIMES */ const regex=/go*/;//matches g,go,goo,gooo,... /* LAZY MATHCING -> FINDS SMALLEST PATTERN THAT MATCHES THE REGEX GREEDY MATCHING -> FINDS THE LARGEST PATTERN THAT MATCHES THE REGEX (DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR) */ const testString='<h1>Hello world</h1>'; const regex=/<.*?>/;//? -> do lazy matching, Matches '<h1>',</h1>; Greedy would match to '<h1>Hello world</h1>' /* MATCHING BEGINNING AND END STRING PATTERNS */ const regex=/^He/; const regex=/ld$/; /* MATCHING ALL LETTERS AND NUMBERS */ const regex=/\w/;//matches a-z,A-Z,0-9 and _ const regex=/\W/;//matches /[^\w]/ /* MATCHING ALL NUMBERS */ const regex=/\d/;//matches 0-9 const regex=/\D/;//mathes /[^\d]/ /* QUANTITIY SPECIFIERS -> MATCHING NUMBER OF CHARS */ const regex=/[a-z]{2,}/;//matches occurence of a-z 2<->infinite times const regex=/a{4}/;//matches 'aaaa' /* MATCHING WHITESPACE CHAR */ const regex=/\s/; const regex=/\S/;//matches all non whitespace chars /* MATCH 0 OR 1 OCCURENCE */ const regex=/favou?rite/;//matches favourite and favourite /* LOOKAHEADS */ const positiveLARegex=/q(?=u)/;//returns true for any string starting with 'q' and having a 'u' anywhere in it const negativeLARegex=/q(?!u)/;//returns true for any string starting with 'q' and NOT having a 'u' anywhere in it /* CAPTURE GROUPS */ const regex=/(/w+)\s\1/